Creating Docker Images for the ODC Environment

This subsection presents the steps necessary for the preparation of the basic ODC environment. This process will be performed with the Docker.


The following commands have been tested on Linux. If you are using Microsoft Windows, be aware of possible changes in the form of the command.

The first step is to acquire the codes that will be used. Do this using git clone command in the Brazil data Cube bdc-odc. The complete command is shown below:

git clone

After the download, access the directory that was created:

cd bdc-odc

Inside the directory, run the script, which will generate the ODC-Core images and also the Jupyter-Notebook:


After the end of the above command, two new images should be available in your Docker environment. To check these images, use the command docker images, as shown below:

docker images

This command should list two new images, as shown below:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
local/odc-jupyter   1.7                 684c49022dd4        About an hour ago   1.93GB
local/odc           1.7                 72408270a63b        About an hour ago   1.63GB