Configuring the ODC-Core

The link that has been made between the ODC-Core and PostgreSQL containers is not enough for the correct functioning of the ODC-Core. It will be necessary to create the database schema with the ODC model. To do this, we will use the command line program called datacube-cli, available in the ODC-Core container:

docker exec -it bdc-odc-core datacube system init

To check if the above command has created the tables of the ODC schema, use the following command:

docker exec -it bdc-odc-pg psql -U opendatacube -d opendatacube -c "\dt agdc.*"

The following tables should be presented as a result:

               List of relations
 Schema |       Name       | Type  |   Owner
 agdc   | dataset          | table | agdc_admin
 agdc   | dataset_location | table | agdc_admin
 agdc   | dataset_source   | table | agdc_admin
 agdc   | dataset_type     | table | agdc_admin
 agdc   | metadata_type    | table | agdc_admin
(5 rows)


Another way to check if everything is right is to list the products registered in the system. No returns will be displayed as no data has been entered, but no errors should be shown either:

docker exec -it bdc-odc-core datacube product list